【問題】dhanurasana benefits?推薦回答

作者:Asian Development Bank


Megh R. Goyal, PhD, PE, is a Retired Professor in Agricultural and Biomedical Engineering from the General Engineering Department in the College of Engineering at the University of Puerto Rico-Maya...

作者:Asian Development Bank


  自二○一○年以來,「印太」這一表述,在區域與全球地緣政治及戰略話語中越來越流行,目前已成為世界各地政治家、分析家和學者的日常用語。印度也將「印太」置於和南亞、東南亞和東亞國家相互交往的核心。     在當代地緣政治學中,「印太」這個術語在二○○七年八月,日本首相安倍晉三於印度議會發表演講後,才在國際上獲得了明顯關注。這一術語將印度洋和太平洋視為一個統一的地區架構,其基礎在於認識到亞洲邊緣...

作者:Kumar Siroha, Anil,Punia, Sneh,Singh Purewal, Sukhvinder

Anil Kumar Siroha, Ph.D. is presently working as Assistant Professor (C) in the Department of Food Science and Technology, Chaudhary Devi Lal University, Sirsa. He has both master’s and doctorate ...


Amirhossein Sahebkar, PharmD., PhD., is Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology in the School of Pharmacy at the Mashhad University of Medical Sciences in Iran, and Honorary Research Fe...

作者:Norton, M. Scott

M. Scott Norton is a former school-teacher, coordinator of curriculum, assistant superintendent and superintendent of schools. He has served as professor and vice-chairman of the Department of Educ...
